Language Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
English This translation is used for source strings. GPL-3.0 113
Finnish GPL-3.0 13% 690 58,702 2
French GPL-3.0
German GPL-3.0 21% 629 55,850 10
Greek GPL-3.0 46% 431 41,032
Italian GPL-3.0 19% 647 53,573 1
Portuguese (Brazil) GPL-3.0 85% 116 9,316
Russian GPL-3.0 4% 761 67,244 2
Spanish GPL-3.0 61% 310 26,651
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Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Only chosen users can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language can not be edited.
Translation license GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Filemask data/*/news.json
Monolingual base language file data/en/news.json
Languages 9
Source strings 800
Source words 70,656
Source characters 473,392
Hosted strings 7,200
Hosted words 635,904
Hosted characters 4,260,528
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ScummVM Website / News

GitHub:, master 3 days ago
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Pushed changes 3 days ago
User avatar purple_t

Translation changed

ScummVM Website / NewsFrench

1987: In the small town of Thimbleweed Park, two officers-a-reno are investigating a murder.
The body, still in the process-a-reno of being pixelated, lies in the river.
The agents meet a video game developer, a mysterious clown who never takes off his make-up, and many other strange characters.

You can purchase the game in your favorite place: [Steam](, [GOG](, [Epic Game Store](,
[Xbox](, [Switch](, [iOS](, [PS4](, [Android](

You're invited to try out this adventure with ScummVM. First, download the [daily build]( and enjoy!

If you encounter any bugs or oddities, please report them on [our bugtracker](
1987 : Dans la petite ville de Thimbleweed Park, deux policiers enquêtent sur un meurtre.
Le corps, encore en cours de pixellisation, gît dans la rivière.
Les agents rencontrent un développeur de jeux vidéo, un mystérieux clown qui ne se démaquille jamais, et bien d'autres personnages étranges.

Vous pouvez acheter le jeu dans votre magasin préféré : [Steam](, [GOG](, [Epic Game Store](,
[Xbox](, [Switch](, [iOS](, [PS4](, [Android](

Vous êtes invités à tenter l'aventure avec ScummVM.
Tout d'abord, téléchargez la [compilation quotidienne]( et amusez-vous bien !

Si vous rencontrez des bugs ou des bizarreries, merci de les signaler sur [notre bugtracker](
3 days ago
User avatar purple_t

New translation

ScummVM Website / NewsFrench

1987: In the small town of Thimbleweed Park, two officers-a-reno are investigating a murder.
The body, still in the process-a-reno of being pixelated, lies in the river.
The agents meet a video game developer, a mysterious clown who never takes off his make-up, and many other strange characters.

You can purchase the game in your favorite place: [Steam](, [GOG](, [Epic Game Store](,
[Xbox](, [Switch](, [iOS](, [PS4](, [Android](

You're invited to try out this adventure with ScummVM. First, download the [daily build]( and enjoy!

If you encounter any bugs or oddities, please report them on [our bugtracker](
1987 : Dans la petite ville de Thimbleweed Park, deux policiers enquêtent sur un meurtre.
Le corps, encore en cours de pixellisation, gît dans la rivière.
Les agents rencontrent un développeur de jeux vidéo, un mystérieux clown qui ne se démaquille jamais, et bien d'autres personnages étranges.

Vous pouvez acheter le jeu dans votre magasin préféré : [Steam](, [GOG](, [Epic Game Store](,
[Xbox](, [Switch](, [iOS](, [PS4](, [Android](

Vous êtes invités à tenter l'aventure avec ScummVM.
Tout d'abord, téléchargez la [compilation quotidienne]( et amusez-vous bien !

Si vous rencontrez des bugs ou des bizarreries, merci de les signaler sur [notre bugtracker](
3 days ago
User avatar purple_t

New translation

ScummVM Website / NewsFrench

A walk in the park with ScummVM and Thimbleweeds
Une ballade dans le parc avec ScummVM et des thimbleweeds
3 days ago
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ScummVM Website / News

GitHub:, master 4 days ago
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ScummVM Website / News

Pushed changes 4 days ago
_Total Eclipse_, a real-time, curse-breaking, 3D adventure (with a dash of Indiana Jones flair), is ready for public testing!

Originally unleashed by Incentive Software Ltd. in 1988, [_Total Eclipse_]( added yet another groundbreaking title to their repertoire of revolutionary games.

Step into the shoes of a heroic archeologist on October 26, 1930, as a total solar eclipse akin to the one happening today over North America looms over Cairo. Knowing of the Ardognus prophecy, created by the powerful high priest Hahmid III, you must find and destroy the hidden shrine devoted to Ra before the eclipse occurs.

Embark on this exciting journey packed with a trusty gun for blasting through doors or dispatching undead mummies; a compass to guide you through a treacherous pyramid; a wristwatch to track the precious time left; and a water bottle to fight dehydration (you’re only human after all).

Can you solve this ancient mystery within 120 minutes and avert catastrophe, or will Rah's wrath obliterate the moon?

Our modern reimplementation of the Freescape engine features graphics using hardware mode (OpenGL) at arbitrary resolution. The initial _Total Eclipse_ support includes DOS (EGA/CGA modes), ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC. More releases are coming at a later date. Additionally, there are [three playable demos]( if you want to test the game. Please [contact us]( if you have some other release or demo.

To play any of these supported releases, you will need a [daily development build]( As always, please submit your bug reports to our [issue tracker](
_Total Eclipse_, uma aventura 3D em tempo real e destruidora de maldições (com uma pitada de Indiana Jones), está pronto para ser publicamente testado!

Originalmente lançado pela Incentive Software Ltd. em 1988, [_Total Eclipse_]( adicionoué a adição de mais um título inovador ao seu repertório de jogos revolucionários.

Coloque-se no papel de um heróico arqueólogo em 26 de outubro de 1930, quando um eclipse solar total semelhante ao que está acontecendo hoje na América do Norte se aproxima do Cairo. Conhecendo a profecia de Ardognus, criada pelo poderoso sumo sacerdote Hahmid III, você deve encontrar e destruir o santuário oculto dedicado a Rá antes que o eclipse ocorra.

Embarque nesta emocionante jornada portando uma arma de confiança para explodir portas ou despachar múmias mortas-vivas; uma bússola para guiá-lo através de uma pirâmide traiçoeira; um relógio de pulso para monitorar o precioso tempo restante; e uma garrafa de água para combater a desidratação (afinal, você é apenas um humano).

Você conseguirá resolver este antigo mistério em 120 minutos e evitar a catástrofe antes que a ira de Rá destrua a lua?

Nossa reimplementação moderna da engine Freescape apresenta gráficos usando modo de hardware (OpenGL) em resolução arbitrária. O compatibilidade inicial de _Total Eclipse_ inclui DOS (modos EGA/CGA), ZX Spectrum e Amstrad CPC. Mais lançamentos virão em uma data posterior. Além disso, existem [três demos jogáveis]( se você quiser testar o jogo. Por favor, [entre em contato conosco]( se você possuir alguma outra versão ou demonstração.

Para jogar qualquer uma dessas versões compatíveis, você precisará de uma [compilação de desenvolvimento diária]( Como sempre, envie seus relatórios de bugs para nosso [rastreador de problemas](
4 days ago
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GitHub:, master 4 days ago
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