The #scummvm IRC channel on []( is also a good place to ask questions. Many ScummVM developers hang out there regularly, as well as many ScummVM users.
The #scummvm IRC channel on []( is also a good place to ask questions. Many ScummVM developers hang out there regularly, as well as many ScummVM users.
IRC-кКанал IRC #scummvm IRCна сервере []( также является) — также хорошейая площадкой, где можно задаватьа для вопросыов. Многие разработчики и пользователи ScummVM почастоянно присутствуют на этом канале.Вам понадобится пароль для подключения к каналу, который настроен на «scummvm». Это делается для предотвращения общих спам-ботов.
<p>The #scummvm IRC channel on <a href=""></a> is also a good place to ask questions. Many ScummVM developers hang out there regularly, as well as many ScummVM users.]( is also a good place to ask questions. Many ScummVM developers hang out there regularly, as well as many ScummVM users.