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Things to check
ignore-ellipsis, ignore-same
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ScummVM Team is thrilled to announce the release of ScummVM version 2.1.0. This release is the culmination of nearly two years worth of work, adding 16 new games based on 8 engines, a Nintendo Switch port and nearly 500 bug fixes. All this done by the hard work of 147 contributors across 8,493 commits.
The newly supported games are:
* *Blade Runner*
* *Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick*
* *Hoyle Bridge*
* *Hoyle Children's Collection*
* *Hoyle Classic Games*
* *Hoyle Solitaire*
* *Hyperspace Delivery Boy!*
* *Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen*
* *Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen*
* *Might and Magic - World of Xeen*
* *Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen*
* *Mission Supernova Part 1*
* *Mission Supernova Part 2*
* *Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness*
* *The Prince and the Coward*
* *Versailles 1685*
In addition, we enhanced the Android and iOS ports considerably. You will also notice the new GUI facelift, improved Roland MT-32 sound emulation, a new pixel-perfect stretching mode, Text-to-Speech support on macOS and Linux, and last but not least, support for synchronizing saves and downloading game data from cloud-based file services (see the up-to-date list of the platforms in [our user manual](https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=User_Manual/Using_Cloud_and_LAN_features))
As usual, we have improved many of the existing engines: added support for the *25th Myst Anniversary* releases, fixed more than 100 original SCI script bugs that have plagued Sierra games for decades, added support for Amiga and FM-TOWNS versions of *Eye of the Beholder*, improved audio quality in Humongous Entertainment games and added lip sync to the newer LucasArts adventure titles, squashed tons of bugs in *Starship Titanic* and *Bud Tucker*. The list goes on and on, and you may see the comprehensive change log [here](https://www.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.1.0/ReleaseNotes.html).
Have no more tears in rain and [grab](/downloads/) this electric release. Windows and macOS users may get the auto-update when starting ScummVM.