If you have one of the supported systems, you can directly download the appropriate binary distribution. If you have another system, download the source and read the [Compiling ScummVM](http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Compiling_ScummVM) page on our Wiki for directions on how to build ScummVM. If you have successfully ported ScummVM to a platform not listed, please drop us a note, telling which OS, etc. you used.
The latest STABLE release of ScummVM is {release}, and can be downloaded below under '[Release Binaries](/downloads/#stablrelease)'. If you run Windows and are confused, download the 'Windows Installer'.
The latest STABLE release of ScummVM is {release}, and can be downloaded below under '[Release Binaries](/downloads/#release)'. If you run Windows and are confused, download the 'Windows Installer'.
For UNSTABLE experimental versions of ScummVM (for people who know what they are doing), please see the [Daily Builds](/downloads/#daily) section, near the end of this page.