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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie _Broken Sword_. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra i le versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di _Broken Sword 1_ o _2_ non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## Nuove traduzioni Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile di versioni tradotte dei giochi, affinchè gli utentii possano apprezzare i giochi nella propria lingua madre. In questa release, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi, Giapponesi e Coreane di svariati giochi, tra cui _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ e _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## Piattaforme nuove e riproposte Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaforme e device: * RetroMini RS90 (utilizzando [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * Miyoo prima generazione (New BittBoy, Pocket Go e PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) con TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * Versioni 26-bit di RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Naturalmente, non abbiamo trascurato le altre piattaforme già stabili! Siamo orgogliosi di announciare che il supporto per i device iOS e Android è stato notevolmente migliorato nella versione 2.7.0! Non vogliamo anticipare tutte le idee che abbiamo per queste piattaforme, ma fidati di noi — sarà fantastico! ## Scaler con shader Ah già, il nome della release. Grazie per l'interessamento. La nuova release ti dà la possibilità di utilizzare i tuoi giochi con una fedeltà grafica mai vista prima. Ti ricordi l'accogliente riverbero degli schermi a tubo catodico? Rivivi quell'esperienza grazie ai nuovi scaler a base shader! ScummVM 2.7.0 ## P ## Seed pre Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the fu La comunità degli speedrunners può ora usufruire di una nuova funzionalità, che permette di settare un seed predefinito per inizializzare il generatore di numeri casuali di ScummVM. L'uso di un seed fisso permette di effettuare run riproducibili quante volte lo si desidera. Scegli un seed, pianifica la partita e parti! ---- Dai un'occhiata alle [ You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our Puoi trovare tutto questo, per diverse piattaforme, alla nostra [pagina downloads |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie _Broken Sword_. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra i le versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di _Broken Sword 1_ o _2_ non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## Nuove traduzioni Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile di versioni tradotte dei giochi, affinchè gli utentii possano apprezzare i giochi nella propria lingua madre. In questa release, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi, Giapponesi e Coreane di svariati giochi, tra cui _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ e _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## Piattaforme nuove e riproposte Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaforme e device: * RetroMini RS90 (utilizzando [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * Miyoo prima generazione (New BittBoy, Pocket Go e PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) con TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * Versioni 26-bit di RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Naturalmente, non abbiamo trascurato le altre piattaforme già stabili! Siamo orgogliosi di announciare che il supporto per i device iOS e Android è stato notevolmente migliorato nella versione 2.7.0! Non vogliamo anticipare tutte le idee che abbiamo per queste piattaforme, ma fidati di noi — sarà fantastico! ## Scaler Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader- Ah già, il nome della release. Grazie per l'interessamento.La nuova release ti dà la possibilità di utilizzare i tuoi giochi con una fedeltà grafica mai vista prima. Ti ricordi l'accogliente riverbero degli schermi a tubo catodico? Rivivi quell'esperienza grazie ai nuovi scaler a base ScummVM 2.7.0 ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie _Broken Sword_. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra i le versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di _Broken Sword 1_ o _2_ non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## Nuove traduzioni Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile di versioni tradotte dei giochi, affinchè gli utentii possano apprezzare i giochi nella propria lingua madre. In questa release, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi, Giapponesi e Coreane di svariati giochi, tra cui _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ e _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## Piattaforme nuove e riproposte Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaforme e device: * RetroMini RS90 (utilizzando [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * Miyoo prima generazione (New BittBoy, Pocket Go e PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) con TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * Versioni 26-bit di RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Naturalmente, non abbiamo trascurato le altre piattaforme già stabili! Siamo orgogliosi di announciare che il supporto per i device iOS e Android è stato notevolmente migliorato nella versione 2.7.0! Non vogliamo anticipare tutte le idee che abbiamo per queste piattaforme, ma ## Shader-based scal ## Scaler a base Shader Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie _Broken Sword_. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra i le versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di _Broken Sword 1_ o _2_ non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as ## Nuove traduzioni Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile ## Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new pl Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaform * RetroMini RS90 (u * * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * * Nintendo 3DS ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
Translation changed |
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4 ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
Translation changed |
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _" * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, ## Improved support for ## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_ We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_ * _Adib * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
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_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## New games Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines. With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
_May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please?_
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader". ## Nuovi giochi Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti. Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi: * _Soldier Boyz_ * _Obsidian_ * _ * _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_ * _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_ * _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_ * _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_ * _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles ## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)! ## New localizations One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_. ## New and revived platforms Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices: * RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/)) * 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW * Miyoo Mini * KolibriOS * 26-bit versions of RISC OS * Nintendo 3DS Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome. ## Shader-based scalers Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers! ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself. ## Pre-defined random number seeds Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go! ---- Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release! You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0. As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring! |
ignore-ellipsis, ignore-same
We are proud to announce the first release of the year 2023. Please welcome ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader".
## New games
Once again, the number of available games increased substantially thanks to new engines, as well as incredible improvements across older engines.
With ScummVM 2.7.0, we officially announce support for the following games:
* _Soldier Boyz_
* _Obsidian_
* _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril_
* _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink_
* _Adibou 2 "Environment"_, _"Read/Count 4 & 5"_ and _"Read/Count 6 & 7"_
* _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_
* _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_
* _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles
## Improved support for _Broken Sword_ series
We vastly improved the detection method used for the _Broken Sword_ series as well. Compared to the old detection method, this allows a much higher level of granularity, so we are now able to detect even the slightest differences between all the supported versions. We tried our very best to add all available game versions, but we need your help. If you notice that your version of _Broken Sword 1_ or _2_ is not properly detected in ScummVM 2.7.0, please get in touch with us and report your version to our [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)!
## New localizations
One of our goals is to support as many localized game versions as possible, so people can enjoy the games in their native language. This time, we added support for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean versions of many games, including _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ and _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_.
## New and revived platforms
Additionally, we proved ScummVM’s portability again by adding (or bringing back) support for numerous new platforms and devices:
* RetroMini RS90 (using [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/))
* 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) with TriForceX MiyooCFW
* Miyoo Mini
* KolibriOS
* 26-bit versions of RISC OS
* Nintendo 3DS
Of course, stable platforms deserve some love as well! We are very proud to announce that support for iOS and Android devices got vastly improved for 2.7.0! We don’t want to spoil everything that we have in mind for the future with these platforms, but stay tuned — it will be awesome.
## Shader-based scalers
Ah, yes, the release codename. Glad you asked. The new release provides a way to run your games with visual accuracy like you've never seen before. Do you remember the warm glow of CRTs shining on your face? Get that experience back thanks to the introduction of shader-based scalers!
ScummVM 2.7.0 already ships with a curated set of shaders we carefully hand-picked from LibRetro’s shader collection. A more comprehensive set is available as an additional download from within the application itself.
## Pre-defined random number seeds
Our speedrun community can now take advantage of a new feature that allows setting a predefined seed for ScummVM’s internal random number generator. Using a predefined seed now provides the ability to have reproducible runs over and over again. Pick a seed, set your route and you are good to go!
Check out the full [Release Notes](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) for a comprehensive summary of how our developers managed to create yet another amazing ScummVM release!
You can find all of this goodness available for a number of platforms on [our downloads page](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). If you are using Windows, macOS, or either the Ubuntu Snap or Flatpack packages, the autoupdater will assist you in updating to ScummVM 2.7.0.
As always, thank you for your continued support and happy adventuring!
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare la prima release dell'anno 2023. Diamo il benvenuto a ScummVM 2.7.0 – "The Real Slim Shader".
## Nuovi giochi
Anche questa volta, il numero di giochi disponibili è aumentato sensibilmente grazie ai nuovi motori e ai miglioramenti effettuati su i motori preesistenti.
Con ScummVM 2.7.0, annunciamo ufficialmente il supporto per i seguenti giochi:
* _Soldier Boyz_
* _Obsidian_
* _Pink Panther: Passport to Peril (La Pantera Rosa: Passaporto per il Pericolo)_
* _Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (La Pantera Rosa: Abracadabra)_
* _Adibù 2 "Ambiente"_, _"Imparo a leggere e a contare anni 4-5 e 6-7"_
* _Driller/Space Station Oblivion_
* _Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II_
* _Chop Suey_, _Eastern Mind_, e 16 altri titoli Director versione 3 e 4
## Supporto migliorato per la serie _Broken Sword_
Abbiamo notevolmente migliorato il sistema utilizzato per rilevare i giochi della serie _Broken Sword_. Rispetto alla precedente implementazione, questa permette una granularità superiore, con la possibiltà di rilevare ogni possibile variazione tra
ile versioni supportate. Abbiamo cercato di aggiungere tutte le versioni disponibili, ma abbiamo comunque bisogno del tuo aiuto. Se noti che la tua versione di _Broken Sword 1_ o _2_ non è (più) rilevata correttamente da ScummVM 2.7.0, per cortesia contattaci e comunica i dati necessari utilizzando il [Bug Tracker](https://bugs.scummvm.org/)!## Nuove traduzioni
Uno dei nostri scopi è quello di supportare il maggior numero possibile di versioni tradotte dei giochi, affinchè gli utenti
ipossano apprezzare i giochi nella propria lingua madre. In questa release, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per le versioni Cinesi, Giapponesi e Coreane di svariati giochi, tra cui _Beneath a Steel Sky_, _Inherit the Earth_ e _I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream_.## Piattaforme nuove e riproposte
Abbiamo ancora una volta dimostrato la portabilità di ScummVM, aggiungendo (o ripristinando) il supporto per diverse piattaforme e device:
* RetroMini RS90 (utilizzando [OpenDingux](https://github.com/OpenDingux/))
* Miyoo prima generazione (New BittBoy, Pocket Go e PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) con TriForceX MiyooCFW
* Miyoo Mini
* KolibriOS
* Versioni 26-bit di RISC OS
* Nintendo 3DS
Naturalmente, non abbiamo trascurato le altre piattaforme già stabili! Siamo orgogliosi di announciare che il supporto per i device iOS e Android è stato notevolmente migliorato nella versione 2.7.0! Non vogliamo anticipare tutte le idee che abbiamo per queste piattaforme, ma fidati di noi — sarà fantastico!
## Scaler con shader
Ah già, il nome della release. Grazie per l'interessamento. La nuova release ti dà la possibilità di utilizzare i tuoi giochi con una fedeltà grafica mai vista prima. Ti ricordi l'accogliente riverbero degli schermi a tubo catodico? Rivivi quell'esperienza grazie ai nuovi scaler a base shader!
ScummVM 2.7.0 contiene un set di shader accuratamente selezionati dalla collezione del progetto LibRetro. Un set più esteso è disponibile come download opzionale direttamente dall'interfaccia di ScummVM.
## Seed predefiniti per i numeri casuali
La comunità degli speedrunners può ora usufruire di una nuova funzionalità, che permette di settare un seed predefinito per inizializzare il generatore di numeri casuali di ScummVM. L'uso di un seed fisso permette di effettuare run riproducibili quante volte lo si desidera. Scegli un seed, pianifica la partita e parti!
Dai un'occhiata alle [Note di Rilascio](https://downloads.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.7.0/ReleaseNotes.html) per un'estesa sintesi su come i nostri sviluppatori hanno creato una nuova e fantastica release di ScummVM!
Puoi trovare tutto questo, per diverse piattaforme, alla nostra [pagina downloads](https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/). Se stai utilizzando Windows, macOS, Ubuntu (Snap o i pacchetti Flatpack), l'autoupdater ti assisterà nella procedura di aggiornamento a ScummVM 2.7.0
Come sempre, ti ringraziamo per il costante supporto e buone avventure!